The Problem of Women

As a woman, I would never claim that there is a “problem” in general with being a woman. But, let me clarify the problem I see. As women, we have problems that we have to solve, to understand and overcome. I admire my own kind. I love my own kind. I love women. So what is the problem? I don’t believe we grasp the power women hold, we tend to think of our womenly qualities, sans power. How do we understand this potential power, or how do we even harness it? I see it is an unused source of energy. The narrative that exists is that we need to be given power or that we don’t even possess it. This is not completely true. We have far more than we are aware of, but it is untapped.

In the words of Simone de Beauvoir “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman” I will take this very famous quote of hers and maybe take it in a direction she never intended. We don’t necessarily understand our nature or the possibilities of it. And yes, our surroundings will influence the way we interact with our own person, sexuality, gender and so on. We can easily be swept along the waters of a very strong culture and never think about where it takes us or we can leave the current and ask ourselves: Where are we going? What is this even for?

We can become the women we determine ourselves to be.

Problem solving our lives is a gift, we don’t need to go along with the trends of society, whether liberal or conservative, religious or irreligious. We have a choice to step out. We can determine something of ourselves here, we can choose to solve the problems. There are inevitable hurtles, and many of them have been leapt over by those who have gone before us and have given us more freedoms than we ever knew before. Simone de Beauvoir’s work has been very influential in the various feminist movements which have given us more liberties in society than before.

I believe that women are powerful and I believe most of that power is unrealized because we believe a narrative that contradicts its existence. We can solve this problem and I believe we need to. You may wonder why?

Simple. Because no one else will.


Story of the Book


Poverty of Language